Taking Ground | Week 3 (Pastor Morgan MacPherson)
Taking Ground | Week 4 (Pastor Morgan MacPherson)
Taking Ground | Week 1 (Pastor Morgan MacPherson)
Taking Ground | Week 2 (Pastor Morgan MacPherson)
Fasting Guide
How long should I fast?
There are many different types of fasting in the Bible. People fast for 1, 3, 7, 21, and even 40 days! Some people fast a specific meal over the course of several days. The important thing is that you listen to God and know your body. If you’re new to fasting, we suggest a short fast of 1-3 days or a one mealtime over the course of several days.
How do I fast?
• Lead into a fast by reducing size of your meals, cutting out heavy foods (breads & meats) and weaning yourself off caffeine.
• Drink plenty of water throughout the fast. Drinking natural juices (fruit or vegetable) may also be helpful for those starting. The article below has some great ideas for juices and broths.
• Schedule regular time alone to pray and seek God through reading the Bible. It might to be helpful to use a journal to write down what you hear from God. Remember a fast without intentional space for God is just a diet!
• End your fast slowly. Your body will need to time to restart. Begin with a piece of fruit or salad, and increase your food over a period of time.
What can I expect?
• It’s normal to feel hungry, tired, and even cranky. These responses are reminders that we need God’s help. Trust God to provide for you.
• Life’s pace during fasting might feel uncomfortably slower. This is part of the process as we train ourselves to move in step with God.
• As with all spiritual disciplines, fasting takes time and practice. It can be like training a new muscle. Don’t be discouraged if doesn’t go according to your plan the first time. Try it again and trust God.
• God will show up during our times of fasting. James tells us to, “Come near to God and He will come near to you…” (4:8) God wants to spend this time with you!
Guide to Fasting and Prayer by Bill Bright:
Email one of our pastors at office@wbfmc.org
Tips for Getting Started
1. Schedule your fast.
2. Get rid of distractions.
3. Bring your Bible, paper, and a pen.
4. Start with your load.
5. Ask, listen, write.
Suggestions for Bible verses:
• Psalm 139
• Matthew 11:25-30
• James 4:1-9
• Psalm 8
Questions to ask God:
• What areas of my life do I need to confess sin?
• Who would you like me pray for?
• What direction would you like me to take regarding ______________?
• What do you want me to hear from you?
• How can I honor you with my choices? Time? Resources? Service?
Write down what God speaks: