Happy New Year!
I can’t believe we are at the beginning of a new year! My hope and prayer for our students and families this year is for the Lord to build in each of us a solid foundation on the good news of the gospel. I want to take a few moments to share with you about some upcoming dates and events happening over the next couple months in WB Students.
Upcoming Events and Dates To Know:
- Parent’s Info Meeting – There is a lot of good stuff happening this year in WB Students and we want our students involved as much as they are able. We know that a primary way that can happen is by getting as much information to you as possible. Join us Sunday, January 14th at 12:30pm in the youth center for a 2024 information meeting.to get you as much information as possible
- WB Students Missions Trip 2024 – This summer we have the opportunity to partner with Thirst Missions for a missions trip to Alaska. This will be an opportunity to partner with local congregations in impoverished areas of Anchorage to reach their communities with the good news of the gospel. We will have the chance to build kingdom-minded relationships with people through experiences such as: vacation bible school, work projects for local churches and homes, day camps and others. This is for students going into 9th thru 12thgrades to connect with one another while serving others in a variety of ways.
- Wednesday Nights – Youth Group – WB Students meets weekly on Wednesday nights in the youth center from 6:30-8pm. All students in 6th-12th grade are welcome to join us for games, worship, bible study, small groups, and snacks. Doors open at 6pm and students are welcome to come and hang out before youth group starts. There will be no youth group on Wednesday, April 3rd for Spring Break.
Donut Day – We gather the first Sunday of the month in between our 9:30 and 11am services at 10:30a downstairs of the worship center in the conference room to hang out and eat donuts. Donuts will happen on Sunday, January 7th; Sunday, February 4th, and Sunday, March 3rd.
- Friday Night Frenzy – Friday Night Frenzy is a great opportunity for your students to connect and have fun together as a group outside of Wednesday nights. It is also a great opportunity for our students to invite their friends. There are games, snacks, and a lot of laughter. Friday Night Frenzy is happening January 26th, February 23rd, and March 22nd.
- High School and Middle School Spring Retreats – We will be having two spring retreats again this year. Our High School Spring retreat will take place Thursday, April 4th thru Saturday, April 6th at a cabin in Whatcom County. Our Middle School retreat will take place Friday, April 12th thru Saturday, April 13th at Camp Gilead in Carnation, WA.
Upcoming Dates/Events:
Wednesday Nights – 6:30-8pm in the youth Center
Friday Night Frenzy – Friday, Jan. 26th; Friday, Feb. 23rd; and Friday, March 22nd at 8pm in the youth center.
Donut Day – Sunday, Jan. 7th; Sunday, Feb. 4th; and Sunday, March 3rd at 10:30am downstairs in the conference room.
Parents Info Meeting – Sunday, January 14th at 12:30p upstairs in the youth center
Spring Retreats – HS Spring Retreat: April 4-6; MS Spring Retreat: April 12-13
WB Students Missions Trip – August 1-10th
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask me - my phone number is 909-942-9050 and my email is jake@wbfmc.org. It is a joy and privilege serving our students and partnering with you all.
Pastor Jake